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  4. Donovan Díaz

Donovan Díaz

Associate Professor

Ph. D Universidad de Chile - FCFM, Chile

Investigation Area: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics


Investigation lines

Professor Donovan Díaz’ research is focused on the development of nanomaterials and functional composite materials based primarily on graphene oxide and nanoparticles of metal and copper oxides, with the aim of creating gas sensors, hydrogen storage systems, and new functional materials for contaminated water purification.

In the case of the storage and sensor systems, he is studying gases of interest to industry, such as hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide CO2). Professor Díaz employs graphene oxide mixed with copper nanoparticles in the gas sensors he makes, materials similar to those he uses in his water purification studies. Through hydrothermal treatment, we can create graphene oxide hydrogels, which are three-dimensional porous structures able to extract impurities from contaminated water.

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