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  4. Francisca Garay

Francisca Garay

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. University of Edinburgh, England

Investigation Area: High Energy Physics

Investigation lines

I am a researcher of the ATLAS experiment and the CLIC Collaboration, both at CERN. ATLAS is one of the four detectors of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a project for a future linear collider that could be potentially placed in LHC grounds. My research is mainly focused on Standard Model Higgs boson properties and also in searches of exotic physics: Heavier Higgs bosons and using the SM Higgs boson as a portal to a dark sector. All this in the context of data analysis of real and simulated events in ATLAS and CLIC. In addition, i also contributes in Software and Hardware for the detector upgrades of ATLAS.
I am the subdirector of the millennium institute SAPHIR, which opens doors to collaborate with researchers of 4 other institutions along Chile. This also brings the possibility to not just participate in data analysis, but also in design of particle detectors and theoretical particle physics. Lastly, I am the director of the outreach program “Niñas Atómicas” of SAPHIR, where school girls are taught to assemble and use a pocket muon detector. My undergraduate students participate as tutors of this program

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