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  4. Marco Aurelio Díaz

Marco Aurelio Díaz

Full Professor

Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz, United States

Investigation Area: High Energy Physics


Investigation lines

I work on supersymmetry, neutrino physics, Higgs boson properties, dark matter (DM) candidates, and antimatter from cosmic rays (CR). The standard model (SM) summarizes very well our understanding of elementary particles and their interactions. But it is incomplete. For example: predicts massless neutrinos; does not provide a candidate for dark matter; does not explain why the Higgs boson mass is so small; does not explain the energy spectrum of antimatter in cosmic rays. Supersymmetry can explain why the Higgs boson mass is so small, gives a DM candidate, and a mechanism for neutrino mass generation. Other non-supersymmetric models give a candidate for DM and neutrino mass generation, which I am studying too. I am working also on explanations for the excess of the positron at high energies in CR, anomaly that is shared by antiprotons. I relate this explanation to DM. I am interested in detecting the predicted particles of these models with the ATLAS Experiment of the Large Hadron Collider.

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