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The UC Institute of Physics is a national and international benchmark in the development of physics. This translates into an increase in research activities, which are funded by various scientific promotion agencies. Consequently, a large number of publications in international journals (ISI) are released every year.

This prestige is the product of the dedication, professionalism and excellence of its academic staff. It should be noted that 100% of its professors hold doctoral degrees. This synergy of talents generates a unique environment of cultural diversity and academic excellence.

Research Areas

The UC Institute of Physics conducts theoretical and experimental research in the following areas: Medical Physics, Mathematical Physics, Plasma Physics, High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, and Quantum Optics.


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Why do we research?

Physics is an essential part of the sustainable development of today’s knowledge societies. Against this background, it is fundamental for the UC Institute of Physics to develop first level research in this area.  Below are some statistics from the previous year.

Institute by the Numbers



Full-time, joint appointment and honorary title



Published in the last year



Active during the last year

Scientific Collaboration Networks: the UC Institute of Physics linked with researchers from around the world

Academics maintain collaborative networks in focused research with scientists at prestigious institutions on 5 continents.

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Research centers

The Institute of Physics is part of pioneering research centers aimed at fostering the advancement of research in physics, applied to different areas of knowledge.


Current Projects

Each year, the Institute of Physics participates in ANID and Fondecyt research projects funded by international institutions.

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The Institute of Physics generates a large number of papers published in high-impact international journals every year.

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