Workshop on "Hot Topics" in Mathematical Physics

El objetivo de esta escuela, que se realizará en abril y mayo, es reunir a investigadores y estudiantes en un ambiente creativo para compartir conocimiento y crear nuevos contactos e interacciones. La idea es promover la investigación interdisciplinaria, reducir la brecha entre la comunidad de matemáticos y físicos teóricos, y establecer una sinergia entre universidades en Chile. 

The aim of the school is to bring together students and researchers together in a creative environment in order to share knowledge and create new contacts and interaction. The payoff of such investment is manifold: promoting interdisciplinary research activities; closing the gap between the communities of mathematical and theoretical physicists; establishing synergies between universities in Chile.

The workshoop will count with the support of speakers coming from both mathematics and physics and with a well-estabilished international profile. It is planned a series of long talks (90 min.) and four mini-courses (four lectures each of 45 min.) as well as free time dedicated to brainstorming between students and experienced researchers.

The school will be organized in the mathematical faculty of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in the campus San Joaquin. The workshoop is totaly costless. Nevertheless we would appreciate an informal registration by sending an email to contacts in order to optimize the organization of the event.

For more information visit this web page

You can download de program here.
